by Boszi
2006.01.15. 00:48
The Cat Empire...
The Cat Empire
Mostanban elment a kedvem a blogolstl ksznheten annak a sok kedves embernek akik pt jelleg kritiknak szntk azt a sok mocskot amit ide rtak, mindegy igazbl mostnban nem nagyon hatnak meg az ilyesmik ( az egszet meg tudtam avval oldani hogy pr htig rnknti trlsre volt lltva a chatbox:) ). Az tbbi hetek, hnapok jl teltek. Manmmal megvagyunk s nagyon nagyon szeretem, ha nem lenne nha nagyon magam al kerlnk. A suli is oks, a matek anniyra nem, de mindig mindenhol vannak defektes rszek:). Nem baj igyekszem kijavtani a hibkat. Nemsokra IDB elnk vlaszts, nem tudom, hogy induljak e mg nem dntttem pedig lassan kellene. A bartaimat nagyon szeretem mgha mostanban tbbet van negatvban a hangulat, mint rgen. Feltettem pr kpet a friends mappba a suliban kszltekbl:). pusz mindenkinek! bye
u.i.: egy szerintem nagyon j zenekar lyricst rakom be, rdemes letlteni s meghallgatni ket. Tnyleg jk! 4ever The Cat Empire! Cicca Birodalom:)
The Cat Empire - Two Shoes
"One day one woman asked him ‘what do you to survive?’ he said ‘oh my dear listen here’ and this is what he cried
On my feet I wear two shoes for dancing ‘dancing to be free’ my feet they’re paying tribute to the Bobby Marley legacy
My knees they’ve got some cuts and bruises from skating all my days when i’m skating with my friends my troubles drift away
I say my legs they’re wearing baggy pants I like to move around cos getting down and jumping up these are some good things that I found
Aeehhhiiiaaaaa boom shak the empire be rising Aeehhhiiiaaaaa boom shak we making some lovin Aeehhhiiiaaaaa boom shak the greedy men running Aeehhhiiiaaaaa boom shak got two shoes for dancin
My waist it’s got a slinky belt with a clip that’s quick to open because loving is the sweetest thing and from my waist it happen
And my stomachs got some tasty food that’s making me feel good cos sharing some meals is something i wish the world could do
And my chest it wears a singlet ah my chest it beating proud my chest suggest I am a man that no institution can knock down And around my neck is superstition hanging from a chain because i’ve got my gods but in the end I make my own way
My mouth it’s got a great big smile that shows some great big teeth to friends it brings a happiness and to enemies it means defeat
And my eyes they’ve got some vision that can see through many lies ah my eyes they look for better things the better things to see in life
And my ears are wearing head phones that do play my favourite songs not music i’m told to like but the songs that make me dance along
Cos on my feet are shoes for dancing ‘dancing to be free’ my feet they’re paying tribute to the bobby marley legacy."